Q&A_QVT: Parallelisation

Q: How to utilize parallelisation in QVT( HPEM)? A:  Paralleliastion option is available in all versions of QVT and it can be enabled via the interface in the calculations settings tab.  You need to check the Parallelization box and then select the number of cores...

Q&A_QEC: Pseudo and real resonances

Q: How to distinguishes between a real resonance and pseudo resonance in QuantemolEC results? The resonance parameters are produced as a part of the #QuantemolEC output, based on RESON module results. Read more about RESON here: Tennyson, J., & Noble, C. J....

Q&A_QEC: electronic states representation

  Q: Why electronic excited states for diatomic molecules in #quantemolEC are represented differently than conventionally expected? For example, N2 molecule’s second and third excited states are represented by B1U, B3G instead of A 3∑u+, B 3∏g. A: This is related...
Quantemol Seminar 25 November 2020

Quantemol Seminar 25 November 2020

Join us for a free online seminar, where the Quantemol team will present our recent developments and provide tutorials for users who are starting to work with plasma chemistry. See the preliminary programme an register here. #quantemoldb #quantemolec
Collaboration with ESI

Collaboration with ESI

Quantemol and ESI are partnering to offer ACE+ customers access to bespoke chemistries for their plasma processes modelling.  You can now choose the chemistry you need, request optimisation for your process conditions and have it available in ACE+ friendly format....