Products & Services
Quantemol-Virtual Tool (Q-VT) is an expert software system for the simulation of industrial plasma processing tools. Q-VT builds upon the comprehensively validated Hybrid Plasma Equipment Model (HPEM) codes developed by renowned plasma physicist Professor Mark Kushner from University of Michigan for simulating non-equilibrium low pressure (< 1Torr) plasma processes. Q-VT includes an intuitive user interface, data visualisation and analysis capabilities, and convenient job/batch management.
Developed for people working with complex chemistries, the Quantemol Database (QDB) supports and compares multiple data sets to establish a trusted resource for plasma chemistry information. Chemistry reaction sets can be used in several different plasma modelling software packages.
Quantemol-EC (QEC) is a new-generation, highly-automated software package designed to calculate electron-molecule scattering cross sections. The calculations are facilitated by a convenient graphical user interface, that allows users to enter their desired calculation settings and parameters. The cross sections are calculated using both the Molpro quantum chemistry package, as well the UKRmol+ suite of molecular R-matrix codes.

Unique service provided for customers ranging from small calculations to complex problems. This service is tailored to your needs by our highly skilled engineers working on a confidential basis.