Q-DB GM Release Notes

May 2024, QDB GM Version 1.4
  • CCP/DC mode: Users can specify a CCP frequency or constant sheath voltage to be taken into account in the electron energy balance equation
  • Fluxes can be plotted and exported in the Results tab
  • Mass Spectra estimator: Users can estimate ionisation mass spectra for molecules using ML, for example to estimate partial ionisation cross-sections
  • Ion-Molecule cross-sections: Users can calculate elastic and charge exchange cross-sections for ion-molecule pairs using the method developed by Denpoh and Nanbu
  • Improvements to COMSOL and CFD-ACE exports
October 2023, QDB GM Version 1.3
  • Added API to machine learning algorithm for estimating heavy particle collision rate coefficients and they can now be estimated via the QDB App interface

  • The user can set the number of reaction steps in the chemistry for generated sets. This means you can now limit the number of consecutive reactions taken into account when creating your initial chemistry set. 

  • Once the chemistry set is generated species and reactions you select can be permanently deleted from it to refine the chemistry further and optimise the reactions table visualisation

December 2022, QDB GM Version 1.2: – Self-consistent neutral temperature calculation
  • Analysis tools: species ranking, chemistry set reduction, surface coefficient variation and calibration
  • Minor bug fixes
March 2022, QDB GM Version 1.1: – Boltzmann solver
  • Combined global model/Boltzmann solver
  • Minor bug fixes