It’s been a while since we met up with the Quantemol team in real life and I want to share our virtual office experience. I asked my colleagues to send me their home office arrangements and the collage shows how people are making working from home actually work.

Quantemol is a largely online friendly business and we have been operating with minimal disruption in the past three months. However, we are looking forward to being back in our physical space in 320 Angel, at least part-time to bounce ideas and support each other.

It has also been a very busy time for us in terms of product development.

The QDB project now boasts newly calculated super-elastic cross section data, the Global Model feature accommodates pulsed discharges and we are implementing cross section data comparison for different species. We received a splendid testimonial from one of our QDB industrial customers, who showed that QDB and Global Model helped them reduce costs on the scale of 100 times over QDB subscription costs. – Great motivation for us to pursue further developments and aid plasma researchers across the globe!

We are preparing new software releases of our software packages; QVT and QEC.

QVT 2.0 will feature use of python3,  improvements to the chemistry set generation such as the import of custom species and cross-sections as well as an API to the QDB Chemistry Generator.

QEC 1.2 features new capabilities to include (1) Effective Core Potentials in ionisation cross section calculations, i.e. making it suitable for molecules with heavy atoms like tungsten (see below)

And (2) much-awaited vibrational excitation and dissociative recombination cross section calculations for non-resonant processes. We already offer calculation of this data on a consultancy basis, feel free to get in touch!

We are exploring how to communicate our message in circumstances where travel and physical attendance of relevant events are not possible. TwitterLinkedIn and ResearchGate are our platforms of choice to reach out to the community, please follow us. Join us at the AVS poster competition, where we will present more details on new cross section calculation capabilities.

I will be presenting the work of my colleagues at Plasma Enhanced ALD/ALE workshop at the virtual GEC meeting in October 2020. It is a great honour to be invited to give this talk and it suggests that plasma modelling and plasma chemistry importance is growing; it is being recognised as a driving force behind semiconductor industry innovation and cutting edge research.

I will show examples of commonly used plasma chemistry sets being optimised to enhance process modelling and understand gas-phase plasma chemistry. I will also show how to build a chemistry set starting with your input gas molecules, using free tools in QDB. In the end, you will be able to make quick Global Model test runs showing plasma properties for your process recipe.

Looking forward to greeting you at the virtual meet up!

Stay safe and keep in touch.

Anna Dzarasova,