We here at Quantemol ltd. have had an excellent summer and want to share with you whats been going on with us!

New Software

We have released two new products this summer for modelling electron collision cross sections and plasma sciences. Firstly we have brought out our most recent version of Quantemol-EC (v1.2). This software allows for the use of effective core potentials as well as vibrational excitation cross sections! If you would like to order a free trial of this software please click this link or email us at sales@quantemol.com with any questions. More information on this software is available in the following video:

We have also released a new global modelling app for our Quantemol-DB software. This allows for the modelling of plasma chemistries and is linked to our existing Quantemol Database. To order a free trial of this click this link, or again email us at sales@quantemol.com. Further information on this is available in this video:

New Workshop

To celebrate and showcase the addition of these new products to our library we hosted a new releases online workshop. It was a great success with good attendance and very insightful questions. The workshop was fully recorded and all videos and further details available here.

New Faces

Finally, we had the privilege of expanding our team this summer with two permanent hires and two interns. Firstly, we were joined by Dr Matt Turner. Matt did his PhD at the University of Warwick in theoretical photochemistry and has come on board as our Scientific Business Development Manager to aid with the sales and presentation of our work as well as to work closely with potential customers to answer any questions they may have.

Dr Matt Turner, our new Scientific Business
Development Manager

Alongside Matt, Dr Harin Ambalampitiya has also joined the team. Harin did his PhD in theoretical AMO physics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the United States of America. Harin has been brought on as our Scientific Consultant and Program Developer and will be developing exciting new software and functionality as well as answering any queries our existing customers may have. We are delighted to have him aboard!

Dr Harin Ambalampitiya, our new Scientific
Consultant and Program Developer

Finally, we were lucky to have two excellent interns this summer in Carrick Smith and Sarah Waddington. They helped us greatly in the development of our Quantemol-DB global model.

That’s all for now, make sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to keep up to date, we are expecting some more exciting software updates as well as another workshop to be announced very soon!